Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Human Body R.A.F.T. prompts

A few weeks ago, I (Mrs.Allen) went to a Differentiated Instruction workshop where I learned about a new strategy called R.A.F.T.  in which the role (R), audience (A), format (F), and/or topic (T) can be changed in multiple different ways, so students have more interesting options when writing. Last week, I came up with a R.A.F.T. prompt for Health because I thought our class would enjoy learning about the body's vital organs in such a unique way. 

 Here's the prompt and actual writing we did as a class before the students broke off into pairs or triads to write their own.

Role: liver
Audience: human body
Format: persuasive letter
Topic: why it's the most important organ 

Dear Human Body,

    I am the liver speaking, and I want to tell you that I'm the best body part. I'd love to tell you why with these reasons: I can grow back; second, I work really hard to keep you clean; lastly, I do more than 500 things that are vital for your health!

    The first reason I am most important is if part of me or all of me gets sick or removed, I'll grow back! I'll grow back like a worm's head or a crab's leg. 

     The next reason I am awesome is because I am like a giant chemical factory working to keep you clean. For example, I create bile to help take care of bad pollutants in your blood. 

     My last reason why I rock and why I'm the most important body part is I do a lot to keep you clean. For one, I kill germs. I also keep pollution from hurting you. I remove all the dangerous chemicals and germs from your blood stream.

     So I am THE most important and most awesome part of you because of all those reasons. Anyway, I bet the other body parts don't grow back. 

                                                                                                       The Best Body Part Ever,

P.S. I'll work extra hard to keep your blood clean!


Here are some of the other letters:

Role: bones
Audience: human body
Format: persuasive letter
Topic: why it's the most important organ 


Dear Human Body,

     Hello, this is the bones, and I want to talk to you about all my amazing features. I'm going to tell you my awesome features with these reasons: one, I keep you upright; two, you would not be able to move without me; and last, I also protect some of your main organs.

     The first reason I am important is because you would be like a floppy jellyfish without me. I also help you play sports or any of the other things you like to do.

     The second reason I am most important is you would be able do do nothing without me. You would not be able to talk, eat, write, etc., etc., and you would not be able to live! You could do nothing without me. 

     The last thing I want to tell you about is that I am a guardian of your organs. I protect your main organs like the brain, heart, and lungs. I do that with your skull and ribcage. Without me, your main organs would be unprotected and get many injuries, and you would not want to get hurt. 

     So I think you should think of me as V.I.B.P. (very important body part!) So take my letter into consideration. TTYL :-) 
                                                                                                               Your Fellow Bone,

**Written by K3 and Z6


Role: lungs
Audience: human body
Format: persuasive letter
Topic: why it's the most important organ 
                                                                                  May 9, 2011
Dear Human Body,
     I'm the best because without me you wouldn't live. I'm pretty cool because I have 100 million air sacks. These are some reasons why I'm the best: I can float, I can get rid of carbon dioxide, and I allow you to breathe 20,000 times a day.
     The first reason I'm the best is because I can float. For example, I'm like a life jacket.
     The next reason I'm so important is because I get rid of carbon dioxide, so it doesn't hurt you. For example, I clean like a vacuum cleans the dust from a house.
     The final reason I'm awesome is because you breathe 20,000 time a day because of me. For example, like you do when you blink.
     Those are some pretty good reasons why I'm the best.
                                                                                   Your Friendly Body Part,

**By E12, D13, and R21


Role: kidneys
Audience: human body
Format: persuasive letter
Topic: why it's the most important organ 

Dear Body,

     Hey, it's your buddy the kidney. And I just wanted to tell you that I am the best body part ever! 

     Because I keep you healthy and I filter your blood. We also give the bladder a job. 

     So what I do all the time is break down food and liquids and I send it to your bladder. And then you go to do your business.

     Okay, so I've told you what I do and I want you to drink lots of water and keep me clean. 
                                                                                                                 Thank you,
                                                                                                                The Kidney

**Written by H9 and T14

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